Tuesday, September 29, 2009

An icon’s death often leads to grief getting the better of reason

There is one more interesting fact about fans committing suicide. This type of suicide cases are highly connected to the social and cultural background of the people. If you observe keenly you will see that normally people who commit suicide on learning about their icon’s death are mostly from the lower or lower middle class (except a very few exceptional cases from the upper class of society). First of all these people from the lower or lower middle class are deprived of basic needs like food, shelter and clothing. So when their idol, who happens to be their only source of hope and solace, expires, they take the extreme step of committing suicide.

Normally people from the upper strata of society have never been seen wailing even on the death of a family member. They just shed tears but do not weep; even the funeral ceremony is formal unlike the funeral of a lower class man. Usually the richer class thinks rationally about the death of either a family member or an iconic figure. Finally, the richer class people console themselves leaning on the fact that ‘No man on earth can ever escape death... today is his turn and tomorrow may be mine...” So they are normally not seen committing suicide on the death of a loved one or an iconic figure.

The relationship that develops between an iconic figure and his followers is difficult to define but easy to understand. The unwashed masses, whose own lives are usually in a mess, need towering personalities that they can look up to. These charismatic individuals are a source of joy and reassurance to their fans. So when the hands of death snatch them away from this world, their admirers and fans are driven to despair. In this heightened state of grief, they are unable to see reason and suicide appears to be the only way out of a dark abyss.

Some states in India are more emotionally sensitive in the matter of coming to terms with overwhelming grief. One can recall the tumult that the death of iconic film actor MG Ramachandran and famous mass leader CN Annadurai created in Tamil Nadu. Also consider the way people react when a movie starring such an icon bites the dust. The cultural background and social atmosphere prevalent in a region contribute a lot to this tendency. Here, people normally do not think about right and wrong. Grief blinds them to such an extent that they think nothing of ending their own lives.

For Complete IIPM Article, Click on IIPM Article

Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2008

An IIPM and Professor Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist) Initiative

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