Tuesday, July 17, 2012

NATO’s immature rants

That the Taliban uses the net to spread hate messages is well known – now, apparently, NATO is also on the same rot path; unfortunately, NATO’s internet rants are only flaming up Taliban passions

Lately, an already complex equation between NATO and Taliban in Afghanistan got worse due to an opinion war on Twitter! The reason the peace process is in pieces can be well understood – both parties regularly indulge in outlandish outbursts against each other. But the latest dialogue went further into ridiculously immature territory.Check the Twitter conversation between NATO’s International Security Assistance Force (@ISAFmedia) and a Taliban spokesperson Abdulqahar Balk (@ABalkhi) this month. @ISAFmedia: “...#Kabul attack: the outcome is inevitable. Question is how much longer will terrorists put innocent Afghans in harm’s way?”
@ABalkhi: “@ISAFmedia i dnt knw. U hve bn pttng thm n ‘harm’s way’ fr da pst 10 yrs. Razd whole vllgs n mrkts, n stil hv da nrve to tlk bout ‘harm’s way.”
@ISAFmedia: “Really, @abalkhi? UNAMA reported 80% of civilians causalities are caused by insurgent (your) activities”
@ABalkhi: “UNAMA is an entity of whom? mine or yours?”
@ISAFmedia: “Hey..., does your boss do this?” [linking to a video of NATO forces’ commander General John Allen taking stock of attacks on the ISAF HQ].

Taliban has been known to rant away on its Twitter handles and official ‘news’ site Shahamat (Voice of Jihad, if you may). But NATO’s current fall from grace has only placed it in a toxic, unclean bathtub, visible to all international commentators. The worrying part is that NATO’s vitriolic attacks may only be flaming up Taliban passions more, egging them on to keep attacking NATO posts.